Why this tool?
Different situations require different leadership styles. Sometimes employees need a helping hand or sympathy, at other times they need clear instructions, and at yet other times they simply need room to deal with matters themselves. When the optimal leadership style is used in a given situation, both organizations and employees benefit.
What do we know from research?
The context-dependence of follower need has been well-established. We know from research, that employees need different levels and types of guidance and support depending on the specific challenges they face. Moreover, irrespective of the challenges they face, different people prefer leaders with different leadership styles. Providing the right type of leadership ensures both team and individuals can thrive.
“SALT can help organizations find the leadership style they need for any role or manager. This information is crucial for designing optimal promotion, recruitment, and leadership development processes.”
How can this tool help you?
The Situated Appraisal of Leadership Tool (SALT) allows organizations to efficiently assess the leadership needs of different stakeholders for a given role. It can be used to find the most effective leadership style for a given position in an organization, as well as to uncover the needs of different stakeholders in a 360-degree style assessment. Knowing what leadership styles they need allows organizations, in turn, to more optimally select, promote and train managers.
Find out more
De Waal-Andrews, W., & Van Vugt, M. (2020). The triad model of follower needs: Theory and review. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 142-147. Link
Redeker, M., De Vries, R. E., Rouckhout, D., Vermeren, P., & De Fruyt, F. (2014). Integrating leadership: The leadership circumplex. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23, 435-455. Link
SALT is available online at www.leadwithsalt.nl